Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Make Money Online by Picking Keywords

How to Make Money Online by Picking Keywords

Just got my check for $500

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.

Find out here:  How To Survey Online

I'm not going to leave this video up for long, so check it out now before I take it down!

I’ve been taking paid surveys online since 2009 and have earned over $274,000 JUST from paid surveys. I know that might seem hard to believe, but it is 100% true and verified.

Large multi-billion dollar corporations need your feedback and suggestions about their products and are willing to pay huge sums of money to get it.

Guest Post by Shaun Connell

Every moment of every day, millions of dollars are spent over the net. Type in a keyword, click, and a ‘personal shopper’ called a search engine has scanned thousands of data bases and found just what you’re looking for. And, the only ‘legs’ needed for this virtual shopping expedition are keywords. From anywhere in the world, people are searching a global mall where their choice has been narrowed down to a few top rated web sites—and all this, because someone somewhere knew how to make money online by picking keywords.

Keywords Make Money
Anyone who knows the net understands the enormous marketing and advertising impact of keywords. Every day millions of dollars are paid to the people who create, develop and disperse keywords. Whether by advertiser cost-per-click, blogs, or creating links to a well-written hub, the people who know how to make money on line by picking keywords are making lots of money. And although content is important, in some cases, it is not automatically ‘king.’ If an on-line marketing company is tasked with helping to restore an individual’s or company’s reputation, their chief concern is to implant keywords throughout the text, ‘the story is not important. What is important is that the anchor text is worked seamlessly into the narrative 3 times.’

Location, Location, Location
To find the best keywords, know exactly what the customer is looking for; what is their Unique Selling Point? What words are triggered for example, if people are looking for ‘how to make money online by picking keywords’? If an aunt or uncle were looking for information about this topic, what words would they use? Once discovered the keywords should be placed within every piece of text. Notice some stores have the same goods located in different areas throughout the store; keywords are just like that; they must be everywhere a search engine might look. The same keywords need to be mirrored in the web content, blog and every article submitted or linked to hubs.

Window Shopping is Good Advertising
Of course, every article needs to be useful and informative otherwise people won’t be bothered to read it. But if the text doesn’t have the keywords embedded in it, it’s a waste of time as far as the virtual shopper is concerned. Keywords are the highlighted passages; which clearly mark the way to a web site. Without them, potential visitors will be left searching in the dark and they may never find what they are looking for. Keywords also help keep the text remain focused and to-the-point. If the text is vague or ambiguous people will get lost. If the text is about ‘lower left back pain remedies’ it’s no good putting in a keyword about hot-tubs (unless that is the specific remedy), so keep keywords relevant, and specific. Finally, for people who are interested in how to make money online by picking keywords they need to be word smiths. A client may want their text to be ‘not promotional, self-serving or comparative.’ In other cases they may want, ‘a story which reflects the subject in each hyperlink. Whatever the style of writing in all cases it keywords are critical.

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