Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Does It Take To Start A Passive Online Income Stream?

What Does It Take To Start A Passive Online Income Stream?

Just got my check for $500

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.

Find out here:  How To Survey Online

I'm not going to leave this video up for long, so check it out now before I take it down!

I’ve been taking paid surveys online since 2009 and have earned over $274,000 JUST from paid surveys. I know that might seem hard to believe, but it is 100% true and verified.

Large multi-billion dollar corporations need your feedback and suggestions about their products and are willing to pay huge sums of money to get it.

Guest Post by Soli Katir

The internet is big! There's no debating that! It started out as the information superhighway. Now it is becoming the place to go to check to for deals. It is also the place to go when you are trying to save money.

So, how can you take advantage of all this business that is conducted on the world wide web? If you set things up properly, you will be rewarded with a passive online income stream for years to come. This is the ideal form of income. Who doesn't dream of getting paid for sleeping? Or getting paid while you're on your vacation and you've been gone for 3 months? That is the life! Well, for me. I don't know if you feel the same way. Some people are workaholics and cannot be away from their work. But, to each their own.

Companies are reporting that with each year, their online revenues are increasing. They love it. Online marketplaces cut down on overhead tremendously. There is no need for a big office building with fancy lights and such. All that's needed for them is a big warehouse, an internet site, and someone to handle the orders as they come in.

Settings Things Up
This is the hardest part. You will need to set time aside to learn how the internet works and you will need to know a little about marketing as well as what people are searching for. This is key for this will determine what will be successful for you.

Once you have the basic information, you can either use free sites or set up your own. Then you build it so that it is attractive and so it offers useful information, the info that the searcher is looking for. Then you add in offers that will suit your audience, offers for which you are an affiliate. Then you work on sending traffic to your site. And that is it!

This is exactly how some people have broken out of the rat race and gained their financial freedom through the world wide web.

Selling Online
They have created their own little storefront and are selling products that other people need at lower prices than the local physical stores. Some people harness the power of eBay to build their online store.

Others don't want to have to worry about shipping or dealing with customers, so they sign up as affiliates to eBay and other businesses. For these people, every time they send an interested party to eBay or whatever, they get credited the sale and make a commission.

Yet others will offer their services through the internet community through sites like and

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