Saturday, May 22, 2010

3 Things to Do if You Want to Make Money Online

3 Things to Do if You Want to Make Money Online

Just got my check for $500

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.

Find out here:  How To Survey Online

I'm not going to leave this video up for long, so check it out now before I take it down!

Guest Post by Susan White

There was a time when the whole world rushed to join this bandwagon; rumors abounded of people making money easily and without any kind of extra effort on the Internet. It got so out of hand that many people burned their bridges by quitting their regular jobs and opting to tap the mother lode that they assumed was ripe for the taking on the Internet. But unfortunately, more people burned holes in their pockets than become overnight millionaires, and the lure of easy money did not appeal anymore.

The problem was not with the Internet; rather, it was with the people who assumed that the online world was easier than the real one, and that anyone could make tons of money by following “How to” tutorials and paying for online lessons that purport to make you rich in a trice. Yes, you can still earn online, but only if you understand the following things:

The virtual world is not the magic kingdom: Just because it’s online, there’s no guarantee that the Internet will make you rich. Most people have no idea of how money is made in the virtual world – they don’t understand SEO marketing, Adsense, affiliate marketing and other methods that have proved successful on the net. But they still want to cash in on the pot of gold they believe is at the end of the rainbow. They fail to understand that just as in the real world, reward is in proportion to effort in the online world too. If you’re willing to work hard, you will see enough money in time. But it is not an overnight thing and neither does it come when you sit back and twiddle your thumbs. There is no magic, just hard work and application of your efforts.

You must never pay for common sense: I’ve had people tell me time and again that they were conned by slick Internet marketers who took their money and gave them nothing in return. I don’t blame the marketers – they’re only doing what you’re trying to do too – make money online. The fault lies with you for believing all their glib talk about how easy it is to make money online and parting with your hard earned money in return for promises of information and techniques to help you get rich quickly. Come on, where’s your common sense? Why would you shell out money to earn some more? You’re not making a business investment; rather, you’re wasting your money on someone you don’t even know and cannot trust as a result. The important thing to remember about the Internet is that you must never pay people for job offers or information related to job offers.

If you make a commitment, you must keep it: And finally, if you’re lucky enough to secure online work or assignments that allow you to make decent money, remember that your continued success depends on your trustworthiness and the ability to deliver what you’ve promised. If you don’t meet deadlines, if you fail to live up to the expectations of your online partners or affiliates, if you cheat people out of what’s rightfully theirs, then the web shows off its evil side to you. You’re blacklisted as your ill-repute spreads online and people become reluctant to work with you.

The keys to online success are integrity, common sense, dedication, and effort – with a combination of these four qualities, it’s easy to survive and thrive in the virtual world.

Author Bio:
This article is contributed by Susan White, who regularly writes on the subject of High Speed Internet Service. She invites your questions, comments at her email address:

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