Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 Practical Tips for Generating Targeted Traffic to Your New Blog

5 Practical Tips for Generating Targeted Traffic to Your New Blog

Just got my check for $500

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online...

So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys to finally set the record straight.

Find out here:  How To Survey Online

I'm not going to leave this video up for long, so check it out now before I take it down!

You have been inspired by the successful bloggers who have made a nice living from blogging. You began to like the idea of blogging for cash and started to sign up for courses, blog RSS feeds and newsletters to learn about blogging. You followed the steps and finally got your first new blog launched on the Internet. You published a post daily. But after week, you found that only a few visitors have read your posts. You started to think about how to drive targeted traffic to your new blog.....

In this post you'll find several ways that you can use immediately to get targeted traffic.

Blog Commenting
Commenting on large traffic or popular blogs is any easy way to get some targeted traffic to your blog. I'm sure you have no problem finding the popular blogs in your niche. Take time to read about their posts and probably you'll learn something more which can help in your content creation. When you like to express your opinion, you can post your comments in. Most blog allows your name to link to your blog. So, your comment could potentially attract traffic when the visitors are reading your comment.

Participating in Forum Discussion

There are also popular forums in your niche as well. You could find the popular forums of your niche through Google search engine. These forums can be your quick sources of targeted traffic. Forums allow member to add link in their signature. So, you can make sure of the signature to get traffic.

The key to getting traffic from forums is participation. You should be active in discussions. Be helpful. When someone started a thread asking for help or advice, you may take the opportunity to post your reply with answers to their questions. You might also start your own threads to discuss about something interesting. This way you'll get good exposure in the forums and people who read your messages will see your signature link as well. Those who click your signature link will be directed immediately to your blog.

Pay Per Click Traffic

The advertising network like Google AdWords can generate quality targeted traffic for your blog. As far as I know, Google often offer $100 or $50 free advertising credit to 'first-time' advertisers. So if you haven't used AdWords before, think about signing up a new Google AdWords account to get the free advertising credit and start testing drive targeted traffic from AdWords. If you are happy with it , you might continue your campaign. Make sure you do some calculations to find out how much you can spend on AdWords every month.

However, if you advertising budget is tight, you can look for those cheaper ppc advertising networks. Bidvertiser can be a good option when it comes to buying cheap ppc traffic. The quality isn't as good as AdWords but traffic is still targeted.

Guest Posting

Quite a lot of blogs are accepting guest posts for publication these days. My blog is one of them. You can write a few posts exclusively for the publication on the blogs that accept guest post. You'll include a few lines with your link in the author bio of your post for promoting your blog.

The good thing about guest posting is that your post will be display on the homepage which can potentially generate a good amount of traffic for the first 24 hours of publication. But guest post often needs to be quality and unique. So, make sure you take the time to do research to come up with some good quality posts so that your posts get accepted for publication.

Article Marketing

Article marketing works much the same with guest posting. You write articles and public on article directories. You are allowed to included your anchor text links in the author bio of your articles. The article doesn't have to be great quality to get accepted for publication. Informative articles with more than 400 words are ideal for publishing on article directories.

If you can write articles on daily basis, then article marketing could become your source of traffic as well. When you submit your articles, only look for large traffic article directories such as, Article Dashboard, Isnare and etc. These are the article directories that can potentially generate consistent traffic. Try to submit at least one article daily. Keep this practice for a month and you'll targeted traffic coming from article directories then.

Press Release

Press release sites are great places to announce your new blog. While seems to be good press site to announce your new blog but it's quite expensive to publish a press release on the site. There are alternatives. In fact there are free press sites that you can publish your press release on. Go to Google and search the 'term' free list of press release sites and you get to know what press sites are free. Also if you run a contest on your blog, you can publish a press release on the press sites as well.

Press release in different than articles. If you haven't written press release before, you are advised to hire someone to create the press release for you because press release is in different format.

Once you see targeted traffic flow in to your blog consistently, it will be good idea to monetize those traffic. There are several ways to make money from your blog. You can use AdSense, sell ad space on your blog, promote affiliate products and etc. Make sure you do testing to find out what works best for your blog to generate income online.

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