Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Make Money Online With SEO Marketing

Make Money Online With SEO Marketing

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Guest Post by Aiden Clarke

If you have ever looked into seo marketing (search engine optimisation) then you may have thought to yourself that there is alot involved and alot to learn in order to get good results. If you follow a few simple rules then you can cut out the learning curve and get started right away.

Its a fact that with this simple guide, you can make money online as an affiliate with strategic seo marketing. Below i have outlined the steps you must take in order to gain first page rankings within google, which will send targeted traffic to any offer you are currently promoting. I will also give you a simple method that sends the traffic directly to the offer.

First off, i would like to say that targeted traffic is the life blood of any affiliate campaign. Without lots of targeted traffic, you will not get the results you expect from the hours of hard work you put in. I can tell you that you do not have to spend hours in front of the computer to get results.

Finding A Market To Target

I always start off any campaign by visiting the clickbank marketplace or any other affiliate or cpa network that i am a member of. If you use clickbank then look at offers that have a high gravity as this means that there are lots of other affiliates promoting the offer.

Dont look at competition as a threat, when you see lots of competition, the chances are that theres alot of money to be made, or the other people promoting it would not waste their time otherwise.

- For the purpose of this article, i will choose the "Make Money Online" market. So i have been over to the clickbank marketplace and have seen that "Miracle Traffic Bot" has the best gravity. This is a type of software that would increase traffic so its on a popular subject.

Finding Your Keywords

Once you have found a market that you wish to target, its time to find the keywords. I use the google keyword tool as this gives you a great idea of whats popular within the market. Your seo marketing depends on these kind of tools to find the best words to target.

Choose two keywords that have a high monthly search volume so you know that theres enough traffic to convert into sales. Ideally you would target a keyword with at least 5,000 monthly searches. When you have two of these keywords, you can move on to the next stage.

- As an example for this article, i have visited the keyword tool to find keywords for the product i picked from the "finding a market" section shown above and i would choose "increase targeted traffic" and "targeted website traffic". These are the two keywords that you want to rank on the first page of results within google.

The Method You Can Use

As you are using seo marketing to advertise your affiliate program, you would need to use a strong domain in order to gain the best rankings. If you use a new domain then google will not take much notice of your site for a long, long time, so its easier to use a popular domain that has a high authority within google such as hubpages, ezine articles or squidoo.

For the purpose of this article i will say that im going to use ezine articles to gain first page rankings for the keywords i have picked.

When i write my article, i must make sure that my keywords are visible within the title, the summary and within the body of my article to make it as relevant as possible for ranking purposes. I usually place each keyword in my article "once" every "100" words.

TIP: For my keywords picked above i can merge them together which is ideal, so my title could be
"Increase Your Targeted Website Traffic Using Automated Software". This allows me to then increase my rankings for the keywords chosen as well as making the article nice to read.

Write a good, 500 word article that is related to the offer you are promoting, making sure that you explain the issues surrounding this subject and then a brief outline of how people can overcome the issue. Dont write the article in a way that would advertise what you are promoting or your article may be rejected. The resource box is used to recommend a product related to the article.

Direct Linking Approach

I have used direct linking alot in the past and have had great results. All you have to do is register a domain that is related to the product you are promoting. Use the forwarding feature within your domain control panel to redirect any visitors to your affiliate link provided by google.

You can then include this link within the resource box of your article which is the section you can use to advertise the cure to the issues you raise within your article.

This method is ideal for newbies who cannot yet create landing pages. I would personally always use my own simple landing page that would capture the name and email address before sending the visitor to the offer as i can then sell other related products later on. The direct linking approach is not for everyone but if you cannot make a landing page then you can use this method to break down this barrier and make sales.

Increasing Your Rankings

In order to increase the rankings for your keywords, you must build relevant backlinks to the web address of your ezine articles page. You must use anchor text which include your keywords with a link to your article. The more backlinks you build, the higher your rankings will become.

Write a few articles per day and link back to your main article within the resource box. Use many different article directories and accounts on squidoo, hubpages, wet paint, zimbio, weebly, blogger and wordpress to build quality links to your main ezine article.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article as it explains how you can make easy money online as an affiliate using seo marketing. Get stuck in and take action or you will never make money online.

Author Bio:
Aiden Clarke is an online business mentor that learns ordinary people how to start and develop a successful online business. He offers a free, 7 day course that teaches you how to copy his exact method that earns him at least $100/day. Visit Profit Academy today to get started.

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